Date of last update of the Privacy Policy: 26-09-2024

Please note that you shall be notified in the event of a future update of the policy, by sending an email or posting a notice on our website.

What personal data is collected?

We collect and process the following personal data:

The documents and data collected are the requirements necessary to work on insurance procedures, and the procedures for issuing the insurance policy may require additional documents requested by insurance companies.

How is your personal data collected and what is the purpose of collecting them?
  • The personal data we process is obtained from you directly via email in order to provide insurance services.
  • We also obtain some personal data indirectly through official bodies to obtain official documents to complete regulatory requirements, for example, but not limited to (Thiqa, Elm, etc.)
How do we use your personal data?

We use the personal data collected directly or indirectly to provide insurance brokerage services in addition to analyzing insurance documents and providing you with a report regarding that.

How do we disclose your personal data?

We shall not disclose your personal data for any marketing purposes, and we disclose your personal data with the following bodies:

  • Insurance companies: To provide insurance services.
  • Competent authorities and regulatory and supervisory bodies upon their request.
  • service providers, and technology providers.
Regulatory justifications for collecting and processing your personal data

They shall be collected based on the laws, regulations and circulars issued by the Insurance Authority, to name a few (the Implementing Regulations of the Cooperative Insurance Companies Control law, the regulatory regulations for the Insurance Market Code of conduct, the regulatory regulations for insurance brokers and agents, the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Guide, and other laws, regulations and circulars), where the necessary documents shall be collected at a minimum and shared with insurance companies to obtain the appropriate insurance coverage.

  • The sharing of data and documents by you shall be deemed an explicit consent, and you may withdraw your consent at any time, provided that the client relationship officer, who is responsible for your account, shall be notified thereof.
How do we store your personal data?

Your personal data shall be stored securely at the company’s headquarters internally.

We also keep the records and data shared with us for ten years from the date of termination of the contractual relationship, according to the instructions of the Insurance Authority, and we shall then dispose of this data in a secure manner where it cannot be viewed or retrieved again, by deleting it permanently from our internal servers.

Your rights regarding the processing of your personal data:

Under the Personal Data Protection Law, you shall have the following rights, which depend mainly on the purpose of collecting and processing personal data:

  • Right to be informed: You have the right to be informed of the methods we collect your personal data and the legal justification for that, how it is processed, stored and destroyed and to whom it shall be disclosed. You can view all the details through the privacy policy, or you can contact us on the data shown below.
  • Right to access your personal data: You may ask us to view your personal data by contacting the client relationship officer who is responsible for your account.
  • Right to request to obtain your personal data: You may request to obtain your personal data available to the company in a readable and clear format whenever possible, by contacting the client relationship officer who is responsible for your account. We shall verify the applicant and its eligibility to obtain the data, and then provide it to you, if the applicant’s eligibility is proven.
  • Right to request your personal data correction: You may ask us to correct your personal data that you consider to be inaccurate, incorrect or incomplete, by contacting the client relationship officer who is responsible for your account, and such data shall be reviewed and updated within 5 business days, and you shall be notified of this by email.
  • Right to request the destruction of your personal data: You may ask us to destroy your personal data if there is no conflict with any legal justification for doing so.
  • Right to withdraw your consent to processing your personal data: You may withdraw your consent to processing your personal data – at any time – unless there are legal justifications that require otherwise.

Except as stipulated by law, you shall not be required to pay any fees for exercising these rights, and in the event that a request is submitted to exercise one of these rights, you shall be answered within 5 business days from the date of receipt of the request in full.

For more details about the processing of your personal data, and how to exercise your rights, you can contact the company’s Personal Data Protection Officer, according to the contact details shown below.

Personal Data Protection Officer

Department: Compliance 

Address: Riyadh – Olaya – Street No.52

Phone Number: 800430003



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How to file a complaint or objection?

In the event of any concerns or non-compliance by us with the personal data protection law, you can file a complaint with the Compliance Department, via the following e-mail